What Is the Use of Ice in Bakery? 4 Major Applications

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Have you ever wondered why some recipes for baked goods need ice? I mean, sure, we all know that ice is often used to chill drinks and keep our food fresh, but what does it have to do with baking? Well, it turns out that ice plays an important role in creating certain baked goods.

When it comes to baking, the temperature of your ingredients can impact the outcome of your dish. And that’s where ice comes in. By adding ice to your ingredients, you can lower their temperature. You can also slow down any chemical reactions that might be happening. This prevents over-mixing, over-kneading, and over-rising, leading to tough, dense baked goods.

I know what you’re thinking: “But isn’t baking supposed to be precise? Won’t adding ice throw everything off?” And I get it – baking can be intimidating, especially when making precise measurements. But trust me, using ice in baking is simple once you understand how it works. So let’s dive in and look at the many uses of ice in baking!

The Science Behind Using Ice in Baking

The Science Behind Using Ice in Baking

So, have you ever wondered why some recipes call for ice in the baking process? Well, it’s all about the science behind baking! When you use ice in baking, it helps to keep the dough or batter cold. This is important because when the butter or fat in the dough is cold, it doesn’t melt as fast. This helps to create a flaky texture in things like pie crusts or pastry dough.

Using ice in baking also slows the fermentation process, which is vital when making bread. By slowing down the fermentation process, you get a better rise in your bread. This makes the bread lighter and fluffier.

So, using ice in baking is about controlling the temperature and fermentation process. This helps you get the best texture and flavor in your baked goods. Pretty cool, huh?

What Is the Use of Ice in Bakery? Uses of Ice in Baking

Have you ever wondered why ice from the tube and flake ice machines is often used in baking? Well, the main reason is that it helps to keep the dough or batter cool while you’re working with it. When the dough is cold, it’s easier to handle and shape, and it helps to prevent the fat in the dough from melting too fast.

Now, let’s talk about the different uses of ice in baking.

1. Use of Ice in Making Pie Crusts

Use of Ice in Making Pie Crusts

When making a pie crust, you want it to be flaky and tender. The key to achieving this is to keep the ingredients cold, and that’s where ice comes in. The colder the ingredients, the less the fat will melt and the flakier the crust will be.

To use ice in making pie crusts, start by mixing your dry ingredients together in a bowl. Then, add small pieces of cold butter or shortening and work it into the flour mixture. You can use your hands or a pastry blender until it resembles coarse crumbs.

Next, add a few tablespoons of ice water to the mixture and stir until the dough comes together. The ice water will help keep the dough cold and prevent the fat from melting too fast.

Remember not to overwork the dough, or it will become tough. Also, use flake ice which doesn’t clump and damage expensive mixing equipment. Once it’s formed into a ball, wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate it for thirty minutes before rolling it out.

Using ice in making pie crusts is a great technique to achieve a delicious and flaky crust. Give it a try the time you make a pie, and let me know how it turns out!

2. Use of Ice in Making Pastry Dough

Pastry Dough

When making pastry dough, the main goal is to keep the butter cold and solid. Ideally, the colder the butter, the flakier the crust. But, the butter can become too warm and melt in the mixing process, resulting in a tough and greasy crust. This is where ice comes in!

Keep the butter cold and solid using ice-cold water instead of room-temperature water. Plus, the ice water will help hydrate the flour, resulting in a tender and flaky crust.

Here are some tips for using ice in making pastry dough:

  • Start with very cold butter and cut it into small pieces before adding it to the flour.
  • Use a food processor to mix the flour and butter together.
  • Add ice-cold water a little bit at a time, mixing until the dough comes together.
  • Chill the dough before rolling to prevent it from becoming too warm and difficult to work with.

So, next time you make pastry dough, don’t forget to use ice-cold water! It’s a simple trick that can make a big difference in the final result of your baked goods.

3. Use of Ice in Making Cakes and Cupcakes

Use of Ice in Making Cakes and Cupcakes

First, using ice in the batter can help prevent the butter or other fats in the recipe from melting too fast. This helps to create a more even texture and can prevent the cakes or cupcakes from becoming too dense or heavy.

Additionally, using ice water or frozen milk creates a tender crumb and a softer texture. This is especially helpful for recipes for cake flour or other low-protein flour.

When it comes to frosting, using a chilled bowl and beaters is vital. It can help to keep your buttercream or another frosting from becoming too soft or melty. This makes achieving a smooth, creamy consistency easier, perfect for decorating.

Using ice in baking can achieve a more professional-looking and tasting product. Follow the recipe instructions well. Adjust your baking time and temperature for the batter or frosting consistency changes. –

4. Use of Ice in Making Bread

Using ice in bread-making may sound strange, but it can make a big difference in the end product.

The dough must rise when making bread to create a light and airy texture. But, too much heat can cause the dough to rise too fast and not develop well. This is where ice comes in. Adding flake ice to the dough or baking environment can help slow fermentation. This keeps the dough at a perfect temperature.

There are some ways to use ice when making bread. One method is to add flake ice to the dough during mixing. This can help keep the dough’s temperature low and ensure the yeast ferments slower.

Another way to use ice is to create steam in the oven by placing a tray of ice cubes at the bottom of the oven. You can also spray water onto the hot oven walls. This steam can help the bread rise and create a crispy crust.

Using ice in bread-making can also have other benefits. This includes improving the texture and flavor of the bread. Keeping the dough cool can prevent the formation of large air pockets. This results in a more uniform crumb structure. Also, slower fermentation can allow more complex flavors to develop in the bread.

If you’re interested in this technique, follow the guidelines for using ice in bread. For example, don’t add too much ice to the dough, as this can make it too wet and difficult to handle. Also, be careful not to create too much steam in the oven, which can cause the bread to become soggy.

Tips for Using Ice in Commercial Baking

Using ice in baking can help create a flaky and tender texture in pie crusts, pastry dough, cakes, and even bread. Here are a few tips to consider:

  • Keep your ingredients cold: It’s important to keep them cold when using ice. This helps prevent the dough from becoming too warm and overworked. An overworked or warm dough results in a tough and dry texture.
  • Use ice water: When making dough or batter, use ice water instead of room temperature. The cold water helps to keep the dough or batter cool, resulting in a flaky and tender texture.
  • Don’t overwork the dough: Handling the dough as little as possible when using ice is important. Overworking the dough can cause ice melts and the dough to become too warm, resulting in a tough texture.
  • Chill the dough: Once you’ve made your dough or batter, it’s important to let it chill in the refrigerator. Let it chill for at least 30 minutes before rolling it out or shaping it. This helps create a better dough, firm it up, and reduce heating effects during baking.
  • Be patient: Using ice in baking takes more time and patience than traditional methods. But the results are worth it. So take your time, follow the recipe, and enjoy the delicious results!

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Ice in Baking

  • Using too much ice: Using the right amount of ice when making your dough or batter is important. Too much ice can result in a dough that is too cold and hard to work with. Instead, try using enough ice to get the desired consistency.
  • Not chilling the dough or batter for long enough: After you’ve added ice, it’s important to chill it for some time. If you don’t chill it long enough, your dough or batter may be too warm and difficult to handle.
  • Adding ice to the dough or batter: Another common mistake is adding ice straight to the dough or batter. Instead, use a food processor to mix the ice with the dry ingredients before adding the liquid.
  • Not using the right type of ice: Not all types of ice created in different ice systems are equal. For example, regular ice cubes can result in uneven temperatures. It can cause your dough or batter to be too cold in some areas and too warm in others. For more consistent results, try using crushed ice or flake ice. Or, you can use ice produced from filtered water.
  • Overworking the dough mixtures: Once you’ve added ice, be careful not to overwork it. Overworking the dough can make it tough and dry. Instead, mix the ingredients until they’re combined.

By avoiding these mistakes, you can create delicious treats every time. Always follow the recipe instructions. Be patient when working with dough or batter.


So there you have it – the various uses of ice in the world of baking! Who knew something as simple as ice could impact our favorite baked goods’ texture and taste? From making flaky pie crusts to tender pastry doughs. And even improving the rise of bread, ice has proven to be a versatile ingredient in the bakery.

If you’re new to using ice in your baking, don’t worry – it’s not as complicated as it sounds. The key is to keep the ice as cold as possible so it doesn’t melt and affect the consistency of your dough or batter. And, of course, always follow the recipe instructions, especially when incorporating ice.

So next time you’re in the mood for some baking, don’t forget about the power of ice! Whether you’re making a pie, pastry, cake, or bread, incorporating ice into your recipe is vital. It could be the key to achieving that perfect texture and flavor. And who knows, you might impress your friends and family with your newfound baking skills!

Jenny Wang

Hi, I’m the author of this post, and I have been in this field for years. If you have any question about ice cooling solutions, please feel free to contact me.

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