How to Import Tube Ice Machines: China to Indonesia Guide

Table of Contents

Importing tube ice machines from China to Indonesia can be a lucrative business opportunity for the fishery, seafood distributors, chilled and frozen meat importers and exporters, food processing plants, and other related industries. In this comprehensive guide on how to import tube ice machines from China to Indonesia, we will explore the numerous benefits of sourcing these essential pieces of equipment from Chinese manufacturers.

Not only are there cost-effective solutions in the Chinese market, but you can also find a wide range of quality products to suit your needs. The process may seem daunting at first; however, with proper research and planning as well as finding the right supplier, shipping and delivery become more manageable tasks.

tube ice machine in Philippines

We will provide valuable tips for successfully importing tube ice machines into Indonesia while ensuring that all regulations and requirements are met. Additionally, we’ll discuss potential challenges such as language barriers or quality control issues that may arise during this process. Lastly, we’ll introduce Hiceay – the leading manufacturer of premium quality tube ice machines in China known for their innovative technology and professional support services.

Identifying Reliable Tube Ice Machine Suppliers in China

To import tube ice machines from China to Indonesia, it is essential to find reliable suppliers or manufacturers who offer high-quality products at competitive prices. Conduct thorough research on potential suppliers through online platforms like Alibaba or attend trade fairs where you can meet them face-to-face.

Utilizing Online Marketplaces for Supplier Research

Online marketplaces such as Alibaba and Made in China are excellent resources for identifying reputable Chinese tube ice machine manufacturers. These platforms offer a great deal of data about each seller, including product features, cost info, customer assessments, and more. Additionally, they often feature verified supplier badges that indicate the manufacturer’s legitimacy and reliability.

  • Create an account: Sign up for free accounts on these websites to access their full range of features.
  • Narrow down your search: Use specific keywords related to tube ice machines (e.g., “commercial tube ice machine” or “industrial flake ice machine”) when searching for potential suppliers.
  • Contact multiple suppliers: Reach out to several manufacturers with inquiries about their products and services. Comparing various options can assist in determining the optimal selection for your requirements.

Attending Trade Fairs and Exhibitions

Besides online research, attending trade fairs focused on refrigeration equipment can be an effective way to connect with leading Chinese tube ice machine manufacturers directly. Events such as the annual China Refrigeration Expo and the China Fisheries & Seafood Expo provide excellent opportunities to meet suppliers, examine their products firsthand, and establish valuable business relationships.

  • Plan your visit: Research upcoming trade fairs in advance to ensure you have ample time for preparation. Make a list of exhibitors that interest you and prioritize visiting their booths during the event.
  • Gather information: Collect product catalogs, brochures, or other materials from potential suppliers for further evaluation after the event. Don’t forget to exchange contact details with company representatives.
  • Ask questions: Engage in conversations with manufacturers about their production capabilities, quality control measures, minimum order quantities (MOQs), lead times, etc., to gain insight into whether they can fulfill your requirements.

In summary, identifying reliable tube ice machine suppliers is crucial when importing these machines from China to Indonesia. Utilize online marketplaces like Alibaba and attend industry-specific trade fairs as part of your research process. By taking these steps diligently before making any commitments will help ensure a successful import experience.

ice cooling solution

Identifying reliable tube ice machine suppliers in China requires thorough research and due diligence to ensure that the best product is acquired at a reasonable price. To further facilitate this process, it is important to negotiate terms of purchase with Chinese suppliers such as payment methods, shipping arrangements, and after-sales service guarantees.

Negotiating Terms of Purchase with Chinese Suppliers

Once you have identified a reputable supplier for your tube ice machines, it’s time to negotiate the terms of purchase. Establishing clear agreements will ensure a smooth transaction process when importing tube ice machines into Indonesia. In this section, we’ll discuss various aspects of negotiation such as payment methods and conditions, shipping arrangements and logistics, and after-sales service guarantees.

Payment Methods and Conditions

Choosing the right payment system is essential for both parties in a transaction. Commonly used options include Letters of Credit (LC), Telegraphic Transfer (T/T), or PayPal. A Letter of Credit is often preferred by importers as it provides more security compared to other methods; however, it may also involve higher fees.

  • Letter of Credit: A bank guarantee that ensures the seller receives payment once they meet specific requirements outlined in the agreement.
  • Telegraphic Transfer: An electronic transfer where funds are sent directly from one bank account to another without involving any physical cash exchange.
  • PayPal: An online platform that allows secure transactions between buyers and sellers using their email addresses linked to their respective accounts.

Shipping Arrangements and Logistics

Determining suitable shipping arrangements can significantly impact your overall costs when importing tube ice machines from China to Indonesia. Two common terms you should be familiar with are Free on Board (FOB) and Cost Insurance Freight (CIF). The choice between these two depends on whether you want responsibility for transportation costs up until shipment departure or until the goods arrive at their destination.

  • FOB: The seller is responsible for transportation costs up to the point of loading onto a vessel. From there, the responsibility shifts to the buyer.
  • CIF: The seller is responsible for all transportation costs, including insurance and freight charges until the goods reach their destination port in Indonesia.

After-sales Service Guarantees

A crucial aspect of any business transaction is ensuring that you receive adequate after-sales service from your Chinese supplier. This includes warranty coverage, technical support, and availability of spare parts when needed. Before finalizing your purchase agreement with a tube ice machine manufacturer like Hiceay, make sure they provide comprehensive after-sales services that cater to your specific needs as an importer in Indonesia.


In conclusion,

Negotiating terms of purchase with Chinese suppliers requires a thorough understanding of the payment methods and conditions, shipping arrangements and logistics, as well as after-sales service guarantees. It is important to understand tariff classifications for tube ice machines in order to ensure compliance with Indonesian customs regulations on imports.

Understanding Tariff Classifications for Tube Ice Machines

It’s critical to understand the tariff classification system used by both China and Indonesia when importing tube ice machines. The Ice Maker Supply Line Kit should be classified under subheading 7412.20.0035 – provided specifically for copper tubes or pipe fittings made for this purpose.

Indonesian Customs regulations on imports

To ensure a smooth import process, familiarize yourself with Indonesian customs regulations regarding imported goods, particularly those related to tube ice machines. A comprehensive understanding of these rules will help you avoid any potential issues during the clearance process at ports of entry in Indonesia. For more information about Indonesian customs regulations, visit their official website.

Determining correct product classification codes

The Harmonized System (HS) is an internationally standardized system that assigns unique codes to products based on their description and composition. These HS codes are essential for determining applicable tariffs and taxes when importing goods into Indonesia from China.

  1. Identify the appropriate HS code: Begin by identifying the correct HS code(s) associated with your specific type(s) of tube ice machine(s). You can search through the World Customs Organization’s Harmonized System Database, or consult with a local customs broker who has experience dealing with similar products.
  2. Verify accuracy: Once you have identified relevant HS codes, verify their accuracy by cross-referencing them against other sources such as national databases or industry-specific resources like Hiceay’s official website,
  3. Stay updated: Keep in mind that HS codes may change over time due to updates or revisions made by the World Customs Organization. Stay informed of any alterations that could influence your imports, so make sure to consistently inspect for modifications and seek advice from a customs broker if necessary.

By understanding tariff classifications and ensuring accurate product classification codes are used when importing tube ice machines from China into Indonesia, you can avoid potential issues during the clearance process and ensure compliance with all applicable regulations.

Understanding tariff classifications for tube ice machines is an important step in importing these products into Indonesia. To ensure that all taxes and fees are paid correctly, it’s essential to work with experienced customs brokers/agents when importing goods into the country.

Additional Taxes Levied on Imported Goods in Indonesia

When importing tube ice machines into Indonesia, it is important to be aware of the additional taxes that may be imposed on your imported goods. These taxes can vary depending on the product type and are essential to factor into your overall cost calculations. In this section, we will discuss two common types of taxes you may encounter when importing tube ice machines: Value Added Tax (VAT) and working with experienced customs brokers/agents.

Indonesia customs

Value Added Tax (VAT)

In addition to tariffs, imported goods in Indonesia are often subject to a Value Added Tax (VAT). The VAT rate typically ranges from 10% – 15%, depending on the specific product category. For tube ice machines, it’s crucial to consult with a local customs broker or agent who can provide accurate information about applicable duties and taxes required by Indonesian authorities.

  • VAT rates vary based on product categories
  • Consult with local customs brokers/agents for accurate tax information

Working with Experienced Customs Brokers/Agents

To ensure compliance with all relevant import regulations and avoid any unexpected costs or delays during the import process, it is highly recommended that you work closely with an experienced customs broker or agent familiar with both Chinese export procedures as well as Indonesian import requirements. They can help navigate complex tariff classifications, calculate applicable duties and taxes accurately, and assist in obtaining the necessary permits/licenses needed for successful imports.

can provide the following services:

  • Assistance with tariff classifications
  • Calculation of duties and taxes
  • Help to obtain necessary permits/licenses for importation

In summary, understanding additional taxes levied on imported goods in Indonesia is essential to ensure a smooth importing process. By being aware of Value Added Tax (VAT) rates and working closely with experienced customs brokers/agents, you can successfully navigate the complexities associated with importing tube ice machines into Indonesia.

It is important to be aware of the additional taxes levied on imported goods in Indonesia before proceeding with any import activities. To ensure a successful and compliant import process, it is necessary to obtain all required permits/licenses as well as prepare and submit relevant documentation.

Obtaining Necessary Import Permits/Licenses

To successfully import tube ice machines into Indonesia, it is crucial to obtain the necessary import permits/licenses required by Indonesian authorities. Work closely with your chosen customs broker or agent to ensure all relevant documentation is prepared and submitted correctly. In this section, we will discuss the required import permits/licenses and how to prepare and submit the appropriate documentation.

Required Import Permits/Licenses

The first step in importing tube ice machines from China to Indonesia is obtaining an import license issued by the Ministry of Trade of Indonesia. This license allows you as a business owner or distributor to legally bring these products into the country. Additionally, depending on your specific industry (such as fishery or food processing), there may be other specialized licenses needed for operation within that sector.

  • API-U: General Importer Identification Number – A general importer’s permit which covers various product categories including machinery like tube ice machines.
  • NPWP: Taxpayer Identification Number – Required for businesses operating in Indonesia; used when submitting tax returns and applying for additional licenses/permits.
  • Sector-specific licenses: Depending on your industry, additional licensing may be necessary (e.g., Fishery Business License).

Preparing and Submitting Documentation

In order to apply for these permits/licenses, you must provide accurate information about your company such as its legal name, address, and contact details along with detailed descriptions of imported goods – specifically their HS codes (Harmonized System Codes). It’s important that you work closely with your chosen customs broker or agent who can guide you through the application process and ensure that all necessary documentation is submitted correctly. Some useful resources to help in this process include:

  • The Directorate General of Customs and Excise provides useful information on import regulations, procedures, and forms through its official website.
  • Ministry of Trade Indonesia – Offers guidance on obtaining import licenses/permits as well as relevant trade policies.
  • Your chosen customs broker/agent: These professionals have extensive knowledge of Indonesian import regulations and can assist in preparing accurate documentation for submission.

In conclusion, by understanding the required permits/licenses needed for importing tube ice machines into Indonesia and working closely with a trusted customs broker or agent to prepare accurate documentation, you will be better equipped to navigate the complex world of international trade successfully. This ensures that your business operates within legal boundaries while benefiting from high-quality products sourced from reputable suppliers like Hiceay.

It is important to obtain the necessary import permits/licenses before attempting to import tube ice machines from China into Indonesia. Once the relevant permits/licenses have been acquired, it is important to become acquainted with the customs protocols that must be adhered to when bringing tube ice machines from China into Indonesia.

Customs Clearance Procedures in Indonesia

Once the shipment of tube ice machines arrives at an Indonesian port of entry, it will undergo inspection by customs officials. To ensure a smooth and efficient clearance process, you must provide proper documentation, verify product classification codes against actual goods received, meet packaging requirements, and pay any additional duties or taxes assessed before releasing your consignment into Indonesian territory.

Inspection Process at Ports of Entry

The Indonesian Customs Office is responsible for inspecting all imported goods entering the country. During this process, they will check if the necessary import permits/licenses have been obtained and if the submitted documents match the actual shipment. They may also perform physical inspections to verify that products are correctly classified under their respective tariff codes.

  • Bills of Lading: Ensure that accurate information is provided on your Bill of Lading (BoL), including details about shipper/consignee names and addresses as well as descriptions/specifications for each item being shipped.
  • Packing List: A detailed packing list should be included with your shipment to help customs officers easily identify contents within packages during inspections.
  • Certificate of Origin: If applicable, include a Certificate of Origin (CoO) from China certifying that tube ice machines were manufactured there – this can potentially reduce duty rates depending on trade agreements between both countries.

Ensuring Compliance with Packaging Requirements

In addition to providing accurate documentation during customs clearance procedures in Indonesia, it’s crucial to comply with local packaging regulations. For example, wooden pallets used for shipping purposes must adhere to the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) standards and be treated against pests. Failure to meet these requirements may result in delays or even shipment rejections at Indonesian ports of entry.

tube ice shipping
  • Wooden Pallets: Ensure that wooden pallets used for shipping tube ice machines are IPPC-certified, properly marked with the ISPM 15 logo, and have undergone heat treatment or fumigation as required by regulations.
  • Packaging Materials: Use high-quality packaging materials like sturdy boxes, bubble wrap, and packing peanuts to protect your products during transit – this will minimize the potential damage caused by rough handling or environmental factors such as humidity changes while en route to Indonesia.

Taking the time to understand customs clearance procedures in Indonesia and ensuring compliance with all relevant regulations can help prevent unnecessary delays when importing tube ice machines from China. By working closely with experienced customs brokers or agents who are well-versed in local import processes, you’ll be better equipped to navigate any challenges that arise during this crucial stage of international trade.

Frequently Asked Questions How to Import Tube Ice Machines From China to Indonesia

What is the customs tariff code for the ice machine?

The customs tariff code for an ice machine, including tube ice machines, falls under the Harmonized System (HS) Code 8418.69. This category covers refrigerating or freezing equipment and machinery not specified elsewhere in heading 8418.

What is the HS tariff code for the Flake ice machine?

The HS tariff code for a flake ice machine also falls under HS Code 8418.69 as it is a type of refrigerating or freezing equipment used to produce flake-shaped ice.

What is the HS Code 8418699020?

HS Code 8418699020 refers to other types of cooling machines and apparatus that are not specifically listed within Heading 84.18 but still fall under refrigeration and freezing equipment categories.

How is tube ice made?

Tube ice is produced by circulating water over a cooled vertical surface called an evaporator tube. As water freezes on this surface, it forms hollow cylindrical shapes known as tube ice. The excess unfrozen water drips back into a reservoir to be reused in subsequent cycles. (source)


With careful planning and research, it is possible to successfully import these products with minimal challenges. Hiceay is one of the leading manufacturers of high-quality tube ice machines that are ideal for commercial and industrial use, making them an excellent choice when considering importing options from China.

Take the guesswork out of importing tube ice machines from China to Indonesia and get reliable, top-quality solutions with Hiceay. Our experienced team can provide expert advice on selecting the right machine for your needs.

Jenny Wang

Hi, I’m the author of this post, and I have been in this field for years. If you have any question about ice cooling solutions, please feel free to contact me.

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